Restaurativna stomatologija i lečenje kanala korena zuba
Restorative dentistry is a branch of dentistry that deals with the treatment and replacement of lost hard dental tissues, i.e. enamel and dentin. The loss of these structures occurs after tooth trauma due to injuries and falls, but primarily as a consequence of the presence of caries, which is the most common cause of dental tissue loss.
Restorations of hard dental tissues are fillings or fillings. There are several types of fillings,
direct and indirect, which can be made of different materials: composite, amalgam, glass-
ionomer, ceramic, gold.
Depending on the underlying cause of the loss of the crown part of the tooth, after a
detailed examination in our office, you will be offered the best possible solution for
replacing the lost part of the dental tissue with the aim of preserving the dental nerve and
tooth root, with superior aesthetic results.
Root canal treatment, endodontic therapy or tooth nerve extraction, is a procedure in which
the dental pulp is extracted from the root canal with appropriate instruments, after which
the root canals are filled with suitable dental materials.
The intervention is mostly painless, and is necessary if the dental nerve is affected by an
infection, as a result of which inflammation of the dental nerve (pulpitis) occurs.
Such therapies fall under the domain of dental microsurgery, in terms of the precision of the
entire procedure. Depending on the type of infection of the dental nerve or infection of the
space around the root of the tooth, the whole therapeutic procedure may require several
visits to our office, until all the symptoms and the causes of the infection are removed in a
proper way, with the aim of preserving the entire tooth or only the root of the tooth.